Hello Friends I hope you are all well and warm. It is soooo cold here in upstate NY. Cabin fever is setting in but it is just too cold to go out so I am trying to keep busy with my crafts. I love winter just not the frost bite temperatures of late. Anyway yesterday I decided to try my hand at painting. Yes free hand painting no stamps or tracing to give me the image. I sketched an outline of a thistle and went from there. It was a little scary but I went with it. I have not painted since high school so this is the first time I have painted anything from scratch. I wanted to paint a wee thistle. Since I am from Scotland it is the national flower after all. I also just love them as flowers/plants they are unique. I used my peerless watercolors I love these paints so much. I have a lot of work to do on my painting skills but I really like how it came out. Not bad for my first real painting in years right? Once it was dry I printed some words from the song Caledonia...